I thought I would share the full story of getting my TV on Craigslist. So on Friday night I got an email from Gabe (the seller on Craigslist) that he would sell me the TV for $150. I replied with my PetePhysique email which has my auto signature www.PetePhysique.com and facebook.com/petephysique at the bottom. Little did I know where that would lead things. I picked up the TV and a few minutes later the following text messages went back and forth:
Gabe: “Thanks! You will love it, and if you have any questions let me know. PS killer body J”
Peter: “Thanks. You should check out my website PeterFever.com”
Gabe: “I did. Wow. Very nice man. Now it made Me. Hope you have more questions or ask for a demo J”
Peter: “If you would have given me a discount I would have taken my shirt off! Lol My blog tonight is about finding stuff on craigslist”
Gabe: ”Damn wonder what a big discount would get me”
Peter: “Maybe a free subscription to my site ;)”
Gabe: “ J nice!!!…Def would prefer to see it live ;)”
Peter: “I hear that a lot”
Gabe: “Damn I bet… Def left me worked up…Usually not that forward pardon my flirt”
I guess the moral of the story is, if PeterFever wants to buy something from you, remember that I’m willing to work for a discount.
P.S. If you want to play with me, my gamer tag is “PeterFeverXXX”
You Play Guild Wars by any chance : )