I recently ran into a old client and he mentioned that he made new discovery about himself after reading this book called “The Wisdom of the Enneagram.” The book is about the nine personality types of people, we are all supposed to be one of these types. So, I picked up the book at the library and began reading it because I’m interested in my friend’s personality type more than mine. You begin by taking a short test to see which personality type you fit into. Before I announce my personality type, I want you guys to guess…so which one am I?
- Type 1 – The Reformer
- Type 2 – The Helper
- Type 3 – The Achiever
- Type 4 – The Individualist
- Type 5 – The Investigator
- Type 6 – The Loyalist
- Type 7 – The Enthusiast
- Type 8 – The Challenger
- Type 9 – The Peacemaker

I am a mix of loyalist and helper.
I’m going with type 8!.
oh easy…Loyalist…:)
Most definitely The Achiever.:)
Peter, What type??
I’m Loyalist..
>>> Korea FAN ChangHeui-Lee <<<
I read a book..
And, Peter. How’s the Yoga going??
>>> Korea FAN ChangHeui-Lee <<<
I think you could have parts of any of those types. Most predominant though Achiever, followed by investigator because you almost always seem to be asking questions. Next Individualist because you do appear very independent. I would say reformer when you are in instructor mode for fitness and workouts,helper and loyalist all the time, and challenger and peacemaker when needed.
* Type 1 – The Reformer
* Type 2 – The Helper
* Type 3 – The Achiever
* Type 4 – The Individualist
* Type 5 – The Investigator
* Type 6 – The Loyalist
* Type 7 – The Enthusiast
* Type 8 – The Challenger
* Type 9 – The Peacemaker