For the last month, I’ve been on an all protein diet for my national debut at the Men’s Physique Competition in Las Vegas on July 30th. This isn’t my first diet, but with all the extra cardio, hanging out with my buddies at restaurants is hard because I have to resistant all the carbs in front of me. I don’t really have a sweet tooth either, but yesterday I was at a buddy’s house and he had stacks of candy, pastries, and soda. I was able to resistant the temptation this time, I only hope I can continue resisting until the competition.

I wonder which taste better..the snacks or you? mmmm lol.
Im looking to compete in mens physique in the near future but I feel im too big. Im 5’8 about 205 and 12%bf.
What are your stats bro. And whats your daily diet look like at this point?
Check out my books at http://www.PetePhysique.com
you are the 1 who’s tempting.
well done, resisting those temptations! love the way your polo shapes your bod! and those killer pecs!
That’s a great color on you.