
My Grandmother Saw

From Photo Gallery "Hotel Bedroom"
From Photo Gallery “Hotel Bedroom”

Today I received a letter from my grandmother. It basically said she found out about and went to my site and was surprised what was on it. She went on to say, “I know that things have changed a lot in the last 86 years and people are more open to these things today. As long as you are happy and you make money doing your site, then I’m ok with it. Remember I will always love you, no matter what!”

That’s pretty awesome that my grandmother is so open-minded about everything. I’m very lucky to have her in my life and know she accepts me no matter what.

From Photo Gallery "Ball Handling"
From Photo Gallery “Ball Handling”

I would love to hear your stories too. Please write them in the comments.

Written by PeterFever


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  1. When I first saw the title of this post I was expecting some serious outrage from your grandmother and was going to demand you pull down the site immediately, but I am glad that’s not the case here. It’s nice to have a grandparent that doesn’t judge based on occupations.

  2. Your Grand Mother is so cool! she’s also loving and accepting. I hope there would be more parents and Grand Parents will be more open minded about today’s youth and life perceptions. =)

  3. at least she saw your site when you yourself weren’t in the hardcore parts………at least not yet… still holding out for that Mr. Fever…

  4. That is amazing Peter. You’ve got a really great grandmother!! Seriously, this story gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside 😀
    We need more people in this world like her

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