I know, Halloween is still a month away, but now is the time to get your costume before you end up with the crappy left over stuff or a size that doesn’t fit. When I was living in the San Francisco Bay Area, I could never wear outfits that showed too much skin because I would freeze to death. Instead I would wear costumes that would cover my arms and legs to keep me warm.

This year, I’m going to celebrate Halloween in Vegas and I found a costume that works well in the warm night air. For all of you gamers out there, I’m going to be a psycho from Borderlands. I pre-ordered Borderlands 2 and I was at the midnight launch at GameStop surrounded by out of shape gamers. The managers at the store were impressed to see a bodybuilder playing games, so they suggested that I be the psycho from the game for Halloween. They also gave me a bunch of promo items so I can make sure all of the details are a part of my costume.

you know Halsted has a big costume contest on the street on Halloween night. Are you going to show off the costume are making ? At least put up some pictures for us.
Just make sure it shows off lots of your body and post lots of pictures.
Have to check it out, Peter. Thanks for the recommendation. Great to meet you downtown the other day. Thanks for letting me take your picture.
No problem, anytime.
In case you’re curious on how to make the mask:
I recommend card-stock paper to make it, since it’s thicker. If you’re worried about it falling apart, you can add more layers or use certain foam to mold the mask underneath the design. But I’m sure you have money to spend, people are willing to make you an authentic one, but last time I seen one, it was $200 a mask.
He also wore orange pants, some belts, bandages on his arms, and a metal kneepad on his right knee. If you plan to go for the BL2 look, have an artistic friend, he or she can paint the tattoos on you as well, preferably Henna. If you’re really into it, I recommend to wear a bald cap as well. That is, if you plan to go to the extreme.
Here’s a fullbody reference:
Cool thanks.
I love Borderlands! I have it for the Xbox, and I’m loving it so far. How are you liking it, Peter?