
The Harlem Shake

Harlem Boy from "Yellow Obsessions"
Harlem Boy from “Yellow Obsessions”

The Harlem Shake is a viral dance craze that started this month. I have no idea how or why this Youtube video became viral but I think the song and the theme is unique. It’s basically a 30 second clip that Filthy Frank created and uploaded on Youtube and now I see this everywhere. I was at the Chicago Car Show the other day and they had the song playing and I noticed people around starting to dance like they were possessed. I wish I knew about this when I was filming the Asiancy Season 4, I would have suggested the hot models to do the Harlem Shake.

The Original:

The One I Like:


Written by PeterFever


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  1. You have a lovely face Peter. I was wondering how helpful you think your exercise book would be for me? Heres a clip of me singing…without my shirt lol


  2. Whatever happened to the hula hoop?
    This isn’t dancing. It’s more like Michelle Obama on steroids. 🙂
    Oh well, any exercise is good exercise.

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