Honestly, on Monday I don’t think I will last more than 10 minutes outside. There are reports that tomorrow could be the coldest day in Chicago’s history. The coldest day in one of the coldest cities in the country! Some news reports are saying that with the windchill factor it could be as cold as -50 to -60 degrees!! For my readers who use Celsius that’s -51 degrees! Either way that’s FREEZING!!! If a human stands outside in that weather for more than ten minutes you are guaranteed to get frostbite, and that, is a scientific fact. Looks like this guy won’t be heading out tomorrow – stay safe and warm everyone!

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We are going thru the same thing here in Ohio. I live right by a lake and the news reports are saying that this has been the coldest weather in twenty years…
Good luck living in Chicago Ill. I love the photo that you show the winter wonderland. I can’t wait to see future video/photo.
ooooh! speechless!