I know a lot of my fans have been asking me how to get the best results out of their New Years resolution to get fit. Well, the best thing to do is start small! By that I mean two things…
First, set small goals for yourself and build up to the bigger things. If you’ve never step foot in a gym before and set a goal to run 5 miles and left weights every day, you’re never going to stick to it by just diving in head first. Start small! Start by just challenging yourself to make it to the gym every day. If you get there and don’t feel like working out, it’s ok to go home – you accomplished your first goal of making it to the gym. Next time, try a light work out, or familiarize yourself with the machines. Taking baby steps to making fitness a part of your daily routine instead of an overwhelming new task will make you much more likely to succeed!
The other important part of starting small is taking supplements. This is a small thing that makes a big difference, and an area a lot of people just starting on the road to fitness often forget. It’s important to take a holistic approach to your fitness goals so make sure to take a multivitamin everyday and other supplements appropriate to your healthy goals. I’m always happy to give advice on which supplements are right for you, so don’t be shy to ask me!
Those are my two small tips that can make a big difference for you. Good luck and go get ’em!

Hi Peter -- I’m 25% body fat and 200lbs, 6′. What kind of supplements would you recommend for me?
I would suggest drinking protein shakes. I would substitutes snacks with the shakes . I drink 3 of them a day aside from lunch and dinner. Try focusing on increasing your protein while reducing carbs.
I will like to lose some weight , actually a hole buns off it, I never been on a diet or really like exercise. I will like to get some supplements
I love your statement. Start small is a great idea because the average person alway started big but the change alway end badly. Good luck in 2014.