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Beating LA Traffic

If you’ve never been to LA let me tell you there’s so much traffic here it takes so long to get from one place to another. I started off riding a hybrid bike to get around town, but it was too much of a workout just to get to the gym let alone around town. Now just after a few bike rides, the new bike, bike lock, safety lights, and clothing are sitting in the garage collecting dust. So, I figured the next best thing was to ride a motor scooter around town. I did not want anything too fast or too slow. I just purchased this Vance 125cc today and I love it. I reminds me of vacation to Asia back in college where my buddy and I rented scooters and rode around the country side of Vietnam and Thailand for a week. I can’t ride this bad boy on the freeway, but driving the inside roads makes me appreciate living in LA.

How I Beat LA Traffic
How I Beat LA Traffic

Written by PeterFever

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