The first day when I train my clients, I tell them their true potential is lifting twice their weight. Most people don’t believe me, until after a month of training them. I help them reach their inner strength, with proper breathing and form. The whole point of gaining muscle is progressively overloading your muscles. For example, if you lift the same amount of weight now, don’t be surprise if your body looks the same. I don’t know about you guys, but I hit the gym to see gains not to be the same. Here are some clips of me lifting twice my weight, but my goal is to lift three times my weight. If you are interested in building more muscle and you are currently living in the Pasadena, CA area, hit me up at www.Vagaro.com/personaltrainer
Lifting Twice Your Weight was great together. You and Eric East work well together. I can’t wait to see future installment. Good luck in 2016.