Brute strength is not measured in physical appearance, but in physical ability. Today I put aside all doubt that I’m not just the hottest Asian in the world, but I’m incredibly strong too. Check out how I tear a phonebook in half with by bare hands. This is not a video trick, this is the real deal. I would like to see some video responses to this, if you dare!

I can only say that you are awesome. I wish I had your phone number! What a dazzling smile along with everything else!
Not only save the tress & environment, but use the money for something else. The phone book is a complete waste of money!
And those millions of dollars can be put to some other ideas like unemployment benefits or funding social security or helping students who receives federal aid.
Or invest in Peter Le’s company! hehehehehehe
I pick option 3 -- Invest in Peter Le
I can hire you to be my bodyguard, haha. Who’d mess with a guy that can rip a phonebook in half? Who still uses phonebooks these day?
I know, seriously. I just tell my phone what I’m looking for and it finds it. It is silly that they still waste paper printing these things by the millions. What’s worse is there only use to be 1 phone book, but now I get like 3 or 4 each year made by different companies. Isn’t this going backwards? They should have an opt out for phone books. Save trees, save the environment.
I agree with when you said that you are not only gorgeous but you surely are strong enough to rip that phone book. I hope I won’t get crushed when you give me a hug if ever we meet. *wink
I can be as gentle as a teddy bear.
I was a little scared too. If I ever meet you, I will try my best to never piss you off. With one punch, I could be Knocked Out! hahaha
Well I might not punch you, but I might rip your phonebook in half, lol.
Honestly, it was quite terrifying to see that you were halving the directions book with sole bare hands, in particular, in a longitutde dimension. How did you achieve this, as it was not something that you could simply snap at in a bag? Also, the other essential question for Peter, what are your skin-care tips? Many people must be very curious about this? As almost in each and every one of your pics and images, you do ALL THE TIME look fantastic with a really nice, firm, silky and flawless skin complexion. It seems that neither sitting up all night nor getting too tired from a long hard day could even bother you. How do you also achieve this? Can I sincerely beg that you may share with us in one blog story or another some day soonest? You will make us feel jealous if you just tell us that you have done nothing but weight-lifting and training physcially- this is one of the answers that will sound out of the question itself. Thanks!!
Actually I did write about my secret in this article earlier in the year -- http://www.peterfever.com/blog/index.php/2011/02/18/eye-use-preparation-h/
The most import thing is to moisturize when you get out of the shower. Body butter is great for your feet, legs, chest, ass and cock; it keeps me soft and supple.