I’ve decided to compete in power lifting competitions this year. I moved out of bodybuilding shows because it was too subjective and it’s very political. I give props for those who are still competing in this sport, I just can’t do it anymore. For example, if you take the top 5 bodybuilder who placed 1st to 5th for one week, they could have a totally different results at another competition a week later. It’s totally different from power lifting, where it’s very measurable.
I started bulking a few months ago to prepare for this this year’s power lifting competition. I was 173 lbs and after 2 months, I weigh 191. It wasn’t easy counting calories and consistently eating until I felt uncomfortable bloated. However, with the surplus of calorie combined with heavy lifting, I had the strength of an ox and I loved it. Before, certain amount of weights were so heavy that I couldn’t pick up and now they became super light to me. I had a clean bulk, I’ve added very little body fat and gained a lot of muscle.
Now, it’s time to shred the body fat and make weight for the power lifting competitions at 83 kg.

Hi Peter, thanx for the info, good luck with your prep! You’re since long advanced and accomplished enough to be your own jury, even start a movement. Very informative, nice of you to take us along on the journey.
If you have a theory on cutting available, your basic take on it, I’d be ready to hear/buy it.
I absolutely like the way how you combine your ambitions in different areas, adult and not, at the same place online, I think its very revolutionary. I think it’s great it doesn’t look like, as they say, just a scam to lure people into porn, anymore. You guys are great porn and muscle worship performers, but I think you need to have a serious talk with whoever advises you on your PT or fitness appearance online. You’re about to reach a new world-class level with this site and I have the impression people close to you are not telling you their honest opinion, or even worse, don’t care? Always focus on your strengths, and your enemies will exploit all your weaknesses while you look away… But you’ve always made it, that’s great. After all, why should I care, the copyright for your site ran out in 2014 anyway… 😉
I was surprised to read how even in bodybuilding contest become political. I was wondering how the winner is named. Good luck to your power lifting contest.