I was filling out my likes and dislikes for one of my social media websites last night, and after I listed everything I liked, I had a real difficult time listing my dislikes.
I essentially had few to none, but if it had to be anything, I would say sleeping late. I’m more of an early bird and you know that saying, “the early bird gets the worm” perfectly describes me. You would think if you sleep late you wake up late, well that’s never the case for me. No matter how late I go to bed, I always wake up around 8 AM. It’s like I have a mental alarm clock and I feel sluggish the next morning. Don’t get me wrong, I love to party, but I wish nightlife started at 7 PM rather than 11 PM.

Yes, I too am a morning person. Not very early though. Just about your time as well around 8 or 9AM. I MUST be home at 10pm.
Like you, I too sometime’s like night life, like going to clubs or having dinner out with friends and spending the night with a man lol. But I just make sure to discipline myself to wake up early for work or school the next day.
I can’t agree more. Guys don’t go out til 11pm here. It’s really tiring. I miss happy hours in the Castro and 2-for-1 drink specials.
What is cockstar?a kind of drink?
Now I know you wake up at 8AM every day!!
Wish I was like that. You have a lot of traits I wish I had.