It’s been a fun week in LA, My nephew visited me from Sunday to Wednesday, then a friend from SF stayed with me over the weekend. I was busy being a good host showing them how great LA is. We went to Santee Alley, Santa Monica Pier, Museum of Tolerance, J-town and parts of Downtown LA. I’ve been trying to convince most of my friends from the Bay Area to move to LA. The selling point is that I’m in LA too 🙂 Hope everyone had a great weekend.

I will be in LA this summer! I hope I get to meet you!! Please go on a date with me? haha
I still can’t wait to see how you will make LA come alive. Good luck in 2015 and to the future.
I hope that you will show more photo about the city of LA which will the best part of the city. Good luck to the future.
You didn’t go to wrestlemania at levi stadium?
No I didn’t but I heard it was amazing.
You should train to be a wrestler.
I hope that you will show all the LA that you are talking about in a future photo/video. I know that it will be a winner. Good luck to future.
So nice!!! I would like to visit LA one day as well!!! Maybe because of you Peter! 😉
I wish that you will show the LA that isn’t seen on TV in future video/photo. Good luck in 2015.