I was talking with another follow motorcyclist about my new bike. He has been riding for over 25 years and wanted to give me a advice for riding. He mentioned that I should have a loved one give me a gremlin bell as a gift. Legend has it that Evil Road Spirits have been latching themselves on to motorcycles. The bad part is that they are responsible for mechanical problems and bad luck. By attaching a gremlin bell on my motorcycle, legend says the evil spirit will become trapped inside the bell and the ringing of the bell will drive them insane until they latch off. If someone gives me one, the power of the bell is doubled.
So today out of no where, I received a Saint Christopher bell from a friend. What incredible timing. Anything that will provide me with safety on the road, I’m down for it.

Just tinkle your little bell and I’ll come to your rescue anytime.
Gremlin Bell was a great idea. There is too many crazy driver on the road. You will need all the good luck to protect you every day.