I got home last night and my energy level was totally drained. But I had to get ready to party in San Francisco with my buddies. So I decided to take a little “Pick Me Up” called Rockstar. I drank the first one, jumped in the shower, got dress and realized I didn’t feel any different. That’s when I decided to have a second drink.
When the caffeine finally hit me, I had so much energy, I felt like running a marathon. I was unstoppable; but it only lasted for an hour. After that I crashed hard. I was so out of it, that when my buddies came by to pick me up, they found me on the floor half asleep. Needless to say, I stayed home and slept. Lesson learned, only one Rockstar for this CockStar.
WOW who ever get to know u super lucky if i get to meet u damn my cock steaming.
Hi Peter,
As always, super hot. You are my cock superstar !
love those pictures!
You are my cock superstar! 😉
Your nipple looks amazing by the cockstar can. If I sucked on that I would be high for a month,