It is very important to have breakfast no matter what; even if you eat potato chips or candy, your body has been starving while you were sleeping and it needs energy to burn. It’s best to have carbs in the first half of the day because you end up burning it with proper exercise. That’s why I have carbs in the morning. When I was younger I would eat cheerios for breakfast and sometimes as a midnight snack. Now I’m not sure if I’m tired of eating the same thing or my taste buds have changed, but I’ve switched to Cinnamon Toast Crunch and I feel like a kid again. What’s your favorite breakfast?

Who is your inspiration Mr. Fever?
The man in the mirror.
What kind of healthy food do you eat Mr. Fever?
Can You Give Me Some Tips For Maintaing My Body Fit?
Read my books, they tell you everything you want to know http://www.PetePhysique.com
When did you started in the porn industry Mr. Fever?
Thanks for the information Mr. Peter Fever
Hi Mr. Peter Fever
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Get my books which tell you how at http://www.PetePhysique.com
hi Mr. Peter Fever
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Send your info and pictures to models@peterfever.com
Oh wow!!!
If the cereal have a campaign that give you to be my personal trainer, I will absolutely glad to have it every morning. ^_^
But first of all, you should stand up when you take the whole box, cause the table is so annoying me from your ……. I mean you great body ……. hehehe
Are these cereal really healthy, to me they contain too many sugar
Cinnamon Toast Crunch yeahhh.. That’s my weekday breakfast. (^_^)/) high five!
hmmmmmmmmm. I wonder what’s under the table? LOL
egg whites, cheerios, whole grain toast, bananna
I would have you for breakfast anytime! lol
I know what sausage I’d like for Breakfast. It comes with its own milky protein smoothie as well. If only you could offer it
You look so hot in that final picture.
God, I know of one sausage I’d like to swallow (it provides a protein shake as well!)
I am a Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Corn Flakes kind of guy.
for whatever reason I can’t do cereal in the morning, it makes me all hyper and I crash an hour later. I’m all about greek yogurt and honey.