I’m at the final stretch of my training before I present myself on stage at the USA Men’s Physique competition in Las Vegas, this Saturday, July 30th. I’ve been putting my Crockpot on overtime for the last few days, cooking chicken 24/7. I don’t think I’ve turned it off since Tuesday because I’ve been eating 3.5 pounds of chicken a day.

Here’s my recipe:
1. Place 3.5 pounds of raw chicken breast in the Crockpot.
2. Fill the Crockpot with salsa so it covers all the chicken.
3. Set the Crockpot on low, overnight. When I get up in the morning, I have food for the entire day.

I wanted to say thanks for all my fans for sending me their recipes; I’ll definitely try them once the USA competition is over.
Want an Ass like this?

Good luck with your competition. You will win for sure. If you don’t, then the judges should have their eyes checked.
Kick butt!
just bring some extra virgin Olive oil and spread the love. literally. good luck!
you can eat salsa?
sure, why not?
And I thought I was doing so good coming up with my Even Gourmands Have to Diet book, due out next month. Yet, last I looked, I didn’t have anywhere near the six-pack you do. Sigh!
I was gonna say the same thing Izzy lol.
Peter, you could make anything look sexy, good luck!! You will do great.
But I want the hot man that’s attached to it too:((. Haha good luck. Your gonna do great.