I’m preparing for the USA Men’s Competition that is this weekend in Las Vegas. When I get there on Friday, one of the first things they will do is spray tan me, so I have to shave to prepare for the tan which you get to see in this video. You also get to see me show off my new poses that I plan to do at the competition. Wish me luck!

Learn My Secrets for a
Great Body!
If you want to model for me, email me at:
I pay good money for your modeling shots!
Good luck Peter. I know you’re gonna win. I know it.
Best of luck Peter!
Doesn’t the electric shaver hurt under the arms? Yikes! 🙂
No it doesn’t hurt. But when it grows back it’s itchy.
Love it….get that trophy for us guys!
I am dreaming of spraying you tan and oiling your muscles.
I’m in Vegas baby, head on over!