I love working out, but the only bad news is that you are limiting the types of clothes you can buy. For years, I’ve been training my body to be muscular and healthy. That said, I’m never going to stop, but one thing that I doubt about building more muscle is that I can’t find comfortable pants to wear.
I can never find the perfect jeans that fit because my legs are huge. What’s worst is that all the clothing store have toothpick size jeans. I mean first it was slim fit and now I heard they have skinny fit. How come they can’t make a jean size for guys who have muscular legs.
The photos here demonstrates what happens to my jeans after a few months of wearing them. If you look closely at the crotch area, it has three patches. They have ripped three separate times and I had them fixed because I paid good money for these Diesel jeans that I have worn less than 20 times since I bought them. No wonder why body builders wear gym clothes everywhere, because it’s comfortable and it fits.

I know exactly how to solve the issue. Many of my clients with very similar fit issues have been widely satisfied with jeans I’ve put them in. There are a few cuts that were designed for guys with your body type. Feel free to look me up if you’re ever in the NYC area and I’ll guarantee the perfect pair.
Peter are you blind? its not your muscular legs that are wearing out the crotches on your jeans-its your big dick. lol If you need some help patching those jeans just let me know. But it is going to take a lot of measuring and numerous fittings.
Hi Peter… This is soo sexy. You know what I like about these patches is you can peel them off and just lock whatever flesh appears under. Usually very popular.
Peter, you are sexy, beautiful, and you seem to be just as beautiful inside as you are outside. If you are ever in the Montreal ares, pls let me know and I will be happy tou takge you out ti dinner, and nothing more, unless you want to, I promise. I am a 62 year old man, so there will be nothing else, but i would feel honored to wine and dine you in one of the many excellent restaurants we have here in town,
Look for slim tapered jeans or just tapered jeans, it has a wider thigh area than most regular jeans and slimmer on the calf. they fit really comfortably 😉
Some bodybuilders buy girl’s jeans as they are made with bigger thighs and small waists
Lots of bodybuilders wear girls jean as they are made with bigger thighs.
I know that problem and I am not even working out, much. I simply run alot and my jeans rip at the same places.
And shirts… Normally they either fit perfectly with my upper body and are too wide for my core or the other way around.
I’m sorry about the situation of your clothes problem and you know what Peter le if I were you I would make all types of pants sizes for bodybuilders and feel the joy to stretch, walk and run our legs and it won’t rip like other pants brands so what do you think?