I Need You!
http://www.muscleandfitness.com/male_model/model_vote/It’s time for the 2010 Muscle and Fitness Male Model Seach. I need your vote to win first place! All you do is click on this link and vote for me:
http://www.muscleandfitness.com/male_model/model_vote/You can find me in the middle of the page under Peter L.
Select the circle next to my name, go to the bottom of the page, and click on Enter My Vote
After you vote, go back and check out some exclusive photos by clicking View My Gallery
Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article
Good luck my dear Peter! I voted for u!
Here’s my good luck kiss- Mmmmmmmwahhh!!!
Peterfever, how’s the contest? When will the result come? I’ve voted 4 u. Hope u luck. Give u my kiss :))
Peter Le,
It took 3 tries b4 the voting gallery came on.. tell the people to keep trying….How’s come the last minute rush..Peter?.VOTED 4U of course…..I wish U well, as always…in good health…yr fan….Peter
Peter Le,
I only wanna C YOUR naked MUSCLE..U know which 1…!!….please…..
ya vote por ti espero que ganemos by
do you think u can win? If u think so, i’ll vote for u =))
If you vote, I’ll be much closer =)
I voted about 8 times so far.. hope you win.
Sizzlin’ hotttt..
Shit July 15th is the last day to cast vote. Please spread the word.