I used to feel stuck in the same routine when I was training clients, so quit because I wanted to work on my site full time and have some free time. Now that I’m working full-time on the site at home and have free time, I’m feeling stuck in the same routine. However, the real problem is any routine that you consistently do where your mind is stagnant from learning something new. I understand why retired people go back to work, it’s not because of the lack of financial insecurities, but they want to keep their mind and lives active.

I learned from moving to Chicago that everything needs to be balance in life. I’m not saying I’m bored of work or my life, I’m saying my mind isn’t active the way I want it to be. To remedy the situation, I’m going to sign up with the Lion’s Club to volunteer, take salsa lessons on Thursday night and maybe take up another hobby besides sailing. You can create any life you want, so I’m going to make mine fun and active.

Dear my peter
I think I want life is always stay with you.lol…
salsa?Is it a kind of dance?if it’s that,you should go to Cuba to learn it.
By the way,If you have free time,why don’t upload your fitness lesson in youtube?I wait your video to upload the site.
miss you!!
I miss you too William
You are one blessed person peter le so keep up the greatest work and best wishes for your goals in life